West Virginia University – Advanced Engineering Research Building

Morgantown, WV
$32 M

Founded in 1867, West Virginia University (WVU) has encouraged scholarships and offered high quality academic programs. With more than 35,000 students from all around the state, it has undergone an amazing transformation.

The Advanced Engineering Research Building (AERB) accommodates the expanding need for research laboratories within the College of Engineering. The building structure is five level, steel framed with composite deck slabs at each level. The lateral bracing system is steel moment frames in each direction. Since the building is located on a sloping site, the structure and foundation systems have been designed to resist the lateral pressures at the lowest level. The entire building is supported by drilled concrete piers.

Vibration control was a key component to the structural design. For the office floors, the maximum vibrational acceleration was limited to 0.5 percent. More restrictive criteria was designed for at the laboratory floors and the project’s most restrictive vibration criterion was utilized within the clean room.